Mayor's Award
Mayor's Award
- The award is to recognise the importance of being an active citizen and making a contribution to society.
- It will be awarded for activities that take place outside normal lessons.
In Years 10 and 11 students will complete as many of the following as possible:
- Work Experience
- A Challenge – certified by an appropriate adult (e.g. sponsored walk or bike ride, small group of 3 or 4 organizing a major charity event in or out of school)
- Voluntary work in school – certified by a teacher (e.g. paired reading, prefect duty completed diligently for a school year, assisting in reprographics regularly)
- Voluntary work outside school hours - certified by appropriate adult (e.g. visiting an old person, regular involvement at guides or Sunday school, teaching younger children dance or gym, running a club at Waldegrave after school, helping out at a charity event out of school.)
Bronze Award: Any two parts
Silver Award: Any three parts
Gold Award: All four parts
The Mayor will present awards in April at a special assembly that is separate from the Record of Achievement presentation.
Sixth Form Mayor's Award
This requires Year 12 students to complete as many of the following as possible:
- Work Experience
- Student Leadership
- Personal Challenge
- External Volunteering
- Internal School Volunteering
- External Enrichment Events
- Internal School Enrichment Events
Bronze Award: Any 3 parts
Silver Award: Any 4 parts
Gold Award: At least 5 parts
The Mayor will present these awards towards the end of the school year as a celebration of all that our students have achieved above and beyond their academic study.