What Do We Do?
After School Activities
Please see our enrichment timetable below for regular weekly sessions before and after school. There will also be a number of other initiatives across the year led by departments that will be advertised through lessons, google classroom and assemblies.
Waldegrave has a strong offer, run by our own staff, and we hope your child will take part in at least one enrichment activity a week.
Extra Curricular Clubs and Activities Spring Term 2025
Educational trips are widely used to enhance the curriculum and to extend experience. Previous trips have included the theatre, music events, Hampton Court, universities, competitions, English immersive days, technology trips, art galleries, photography expeditions, geography and biology field trips and a maths PGL as well as ski trips.
Student leadership KS3 and 4
- From Year 11 we elect students leaders and one of their roles is to head up the school council with representatives from every form class. This is a committed team of students from all year groups, who represent views of the student body at meetings. Staff seek students’ feedback on a wide range of issues, and students thereby shape school policy and procedures. Elected School councilors represent the school at the Richmond School Student Council who contribute to local decisions.
- Around April in Year 10 our students apply for prefect positions for the following year. Approximately 75% of students have a role such as Year 7 buddy, music prefect or canteen prefect.
- Within form classes the students are elected to roles that include: council rep; eco rep; charity rep and sports captain.
- The house system offers significant leadership opportunities through the role of house captains.
Examples of Other Opportunities at KS3 and 4
- Approximately 75% of students in Year 9, 10 and 11 complete their bronze Duke of Edinburgh award, and a significant number go on to complete their silver award.
- All Year 11 students have the opportunity to achieve the Waldegrave Mayor’s Award (through volunteering their time and by completing a challenge)
- All students actively engage in charity work within their houses or the whole school. Each house has their own charity and we also support national campaigns and international campaigns. Fundraising takes place throughout the year involving fun activities. As well as raising money the students take an interest in the activities of the charities they support and also engage with the community through harvest boxes, and visits to some of our elderly neighbours.
- Waldegrave enter teams for a wide variety of sports competitions and tournaments. Students participate through clubs. Some of our most popular sports are rugby, football, netball, rounders, and athletics, cross country.
- Clubs and Activities: Activities vary year on year as the offer relies much on staff volunteering their time. These are usually timetabled for after school and the schedule is publicised on the school website. I
- Students who study music may opt to have lessons from our peripatetic teachers during the school day (on a paid basis)
- Gifted linguists in Year 9 have the opportunity to study a second language (Spanish or German) after school (on a paid basis)
- Opportunities come up during the year where students can step up and challenge themselves. Examples are through the BBC News Report; the Rotary Young chef; and competitions in art; photography; debating; science and design as well as the great Waldegrave Bake-off.
The Enrichment Programme at KS5
During Year 12 (Wednesday afternoons) students are offered a choice each term to widen knowledge of the arts and cultural events; to be involved in sports or exercise for fun; to develop a special interest through a club or society; to engage in community project or fundraising activities. Many activities are facilitated by our own staff but some exploit benefits of wider partnerships with coaches and external visitors. The programme includes a range of competitive sports, the boy’s rugby team are sponsored by a local Twickenham company, and at time of print are unbeaten this season! We have also launched a girls rugby team and Sixth Form netball team.
Examples are:
- Competitive Sports
- Debating
- Gallery Visits
- Martial Arts
- Music Performances
- Oxbridge focuses events and support
- Public Speaking
- Recreational Sports
- School Leadership visits
- Theatre visits
- Visiting Speakers
- Volunteering in the local community
The EPQ (Extended Project)
The EPQ carries UCAS points equivalent to half an A level and each student can elect to complete the course. It is not taught in classes but students have a mentor and some group teaching is done during the study periods. The course runs autumn to Easter of Y13.
Leadership and Other Enrichment Opportunities
Waldegrave Sixth Form values voluntary service and students are expected to complete a minimum of 30 hours, thereby developing their sense of community, responsibility, leadership and moral purpose. We have developed local bonds with primary schools, residential homes, and charity shops, to name a few.
In Sixth Form a small but significant team of students are elected to develop leadership skills through representing that student body. These students are elected in Year 12 and form an important part of the whole school council and student voice in the sixth form. Sixth form students are invited to volunteer to represent the school at events throughout the year such as the sixth form open evening and Year 11 information evening.