Parent/Carer Pledge
At Waldegrave our students are encouraged to become confident and responsible young people. This is achieved by teaching them considerate, positive behaviour which in turn will raise their own self esteem and increase their life chances. Our school motto is Enjoy, Achieve, Empower.
Alongside the education of our students, it is the core purpose of the school to keep everyone safe and to ensure all students can learn and all staff can work without interruption or harassment.
Waldegrave School Ethos Learning comes first: we show mutual respect and understanding for everyone, through courteous and considerate behaviour at all times. |
Considerable national and international research regularly concludes that a child’s progress in school is significantly impacted by the way that parents and carers engage with and support their child’s school. To ensure a productive and positive partnership, we ask you to support us by:
- Ensuring that your child arrives promptly to school in the correct uniform
- Ensuring that your child comes to school every day ready to learn
- Encouraging your child to respect the school behaviour policy
- Wherever possible attending our parent and carer engagement events (including Parent Consultation Meetings)
- Regularly discussing your child’s progress and engagement with staff at key times such as monitoring and progress report points
- Communicating through the appropriate channels during the school day and not via a student’s personal mobile phone
- Supporting the decisions the school makes in relation to sanctions and rewards
- Being respectful and polite in your communication and interactions with school staff
- Respecting the security of the school site by signing in at Reception when visiting
- Using public transport wherever possible to visit the school thus supporting our ambition to reduce our carbon emissions.