Special Educational Needs and Inclusion
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Inclusion and Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) section of our website. Our aim is to ensure that all students are supported and able to access all areas of school life including the taught curriculum, the assessment and examination system and the extra curricular, social and sporting life of the school.
The department has a lively, well qualified and committed team of teachers and support staff who are available to meet with parents and students to help ensure that good study habits are developed from Year 7 onwards.
Students on our SEN register are offered a bespoke programme of support which may include in-class support, workshops, clubs and individualised programmes.
Our Staff Team
We have a dedicated team of Teaching Assistants (TAs) who offer a range of support across all year groups of the schools. TAs run interventions and clubs as well as running our extensive mentoring programme. The Zone manager supports students when they have a reduced timetable or are unable to attend lessons. She ensures that students access their learning and develop their skills outside of the classroom.
Our Work Spaces
The Learning Zone
Our Learning Zone provides a dedicated area where vulnerable students are individually supported so that they can access the curriculum at an appropriate level. Clubs are also held at break and lunch time which offer students a space to grow in confidence and enjoy school life. Our aim is to make sure that they are fully integrated into the life of the school community.
The Learning Space (SRP)
This area is a Specialist Resourced Provision for students with Social Communication Needs including ASD. This area provides support for students with Social Communications Difficulty and/or Autism. The specialised learning environment has dedicated spaces for interventions and therapies as well as kitchen facilities and a garden. These enable students to find the space to feel secure and be supported appropriately by our expert staff.
Click HERE for more information.
Equality, Diversity and Accessibility plan
Equality, Diversity and Accessibility policy