Literacy Across the Curriculum
At Waldegrave School, we aim to help students be successful in their future, whatever path they take. Students learn to express themselves in writing and through speech, to listen to others' viewpoints and communicate effectively. All teachers are involved in raising students' literacy and our students have plenty of opportunities to develop their reading, writing and speaking skills across the curriculum.
Reading Lists
We have put together recommended reading lists for each Key Stage and would encourage all students to try as many new genres and authors as possible. Your local library is great place to find these texts as well as local bookshops.
Suggested Reading List for Years 7 & 8
Suggested Reading List for Years 9 & 10
Suggested Reading List for Years 11, 12 & 13
Carnegie and Greenaway Medal Shortlist Texts
Read With Me initiative
All form groups across Y7-Y10 will now participate in the ‘Read with me’ scheme as a fun way to promote reading for pleasure amongst our students. Each year group will have a different book, and all forms within a year group will follow along the same book, with their tutors reading aloud to the class.
CLICK HERE to see which stories each year group will kick this scheme off with.
Tips to Improve Literacy
Read widely. Reading a range of texts regularly can help with vocabulary acquisition, spelling and learning rules of grammar. Don't be afraid to stretch and challenge yourself.
Find and read books that you're interested in and enjoy. If you're reading a book you don't like, stop reading it and swap it for one you do like!
Before writing, talk about what you're going to write. The act of planning it, and especially if you vocalise it, helps you articulate your ideas ready for writing.
Keep a journal. Journaling helps you organise your ideas and thoughts, and reflect on your experiences. The more you write the more experimental you will become with your writing.
Read through your work carefully, using a checklist of things you know you need to improve on. It might be the basics such as capital letters and full stops, or it might be more complex elements like structuring your sentences for effect.
Practise your spellings. Some spelling rules can be really tricky to understand and learn. Use your knowledge of phonics to sound out the word, or use the 'Look, Cover, Write' technique to check or learn the spellings.
Keep a log of new words that you learn and try to use them in your talking or writing. You may find that once you learn a new word, you'll start seeing it everywhere!
Ask a friend to read your writing and make suggestions for you. Someone else may be able to spot things you haven't seen and be able to make suggestions to improve your work!
Read with your children. This lovely routine doesn't need to stop when they go to secondary school! It's so beneficial to your child's development and a great opportunity to spend time with your child.
We believe 'Choice and Chat' is a great way to help your child's reading. They can choose books they're interested in and you could have a weekly chat with them about what they're reading.
Literary Competitions
At Waldegrave School, we believe in nurturing students' passion for literature and providing opportunities for them to showcase their writing skills. We actively support our students in participating in various literary competitions, fostering creativity, and celebrating their achievements.
Competitions We Support:
Cover Story Screen Your Story Poetry By Heart Jack Petchey's Speak Out Challenge Tower Poetry
Participating in these competitions not only allows students to hone their writing abilities but also fosters a sense of accomplishment and pride in their literary achievements. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming competitions and how you can get involved!